PortGIS Task #1: Find Address


Below is the first video in a series demonstrating how to use tasks within the PortGIS Software. Our group of Beta Team members has grown to be around 20 people. Currently, Harbor Police, Environmental Services, Engineering and Construction, Information Technology, and the Real Estate departments each have a representative receiving updates and providing valuable input into the development of the PortGIS product. We would like to hear more comments and suggestions about how to tailor these tasks specifically for your needs. If you would like to add a fellow Port employee to the program please have them contact me.

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2 Responses to “PortGIS Task #1: Find Address”

  1. PG Says:

    Hi Ari,

    Thanks for the Port GIS update. A couple of questions: Sometimes we may need to search for a location or feature based on LAT/LONG coordinates (or another coordinate system)–is it possible to key in the lat/long to find a location? Secondly, I know the system is still in development, but how about searching for features by name? For example, can we search by a park’s name?



  2. Ari Isaak Says:

    Hi PG,

    To properly answer these questions we should create 2 new posts so I will give you the reletivly short answers. Lat/Long question: This functionality exists today. Goto Tools> Goto Location. A good example to try it out is 32°43’29″N x 117°10’10″W. This tool will be covered in a future video but I suggest you play with it. Can you try coordinates in the format you get them and reply to us how it works?

    There are a few find location\place-like tasks released through ESRI, but none of them are specific to the San Diego area. There are some tasks we need to explore to see if they will do the proper job. I do know that GB (See Docs # 315612) updates the location of Wikipedia entries. There is a tool which searches Wikipedia locations and displays the entry in a popup window. We might be able to tailor this tool to only display results which fall within a Lat/Long range, forcing it to only identify entries in the San Diego area.

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